Ideas to Improve Your HVAC Marketing Strategy

  1. HVAC Marketing Ideas Blog

The operation of an HVAC business is not a simple behind-your-desk kind of job. It requires a lot of physical labor in tight spaces that can leave you and your team exhausted at the end of your workdays. On the bright side, HVAC businesses are one of the most recession-proof businesses to start up. With that being said, it is no surprise how many HVAC companies are located in your area. Only a certain amount have a strong brand and client base that stretches from county to county. Let us discuss some HVAC marketing ideas that can help you increase the market share of your HVAC business.

Local Search Engine Optimization
On initial start-up and beyond, HVAC companies focus on local towns in their area for lead generation and brand awareness. HVAC companies may carry a family name that resonates through a particular town as well. Local search engine optimization packages are a great way to capitalize on these local markets and slowly attract qualified leads from town to town. Local search engine optimization helps optimize your web presence through content and website development that caters to local entities like neighboring towns or counties.

Google Advertisements
Another great digital HVAC marketing strategy is running targeted Google advertisements that generate more leads into your funnel. Google advertisements allow for the ability to customize your ad spend and target your audience through geographical location and search queries on Google. Geographical location is important here because the larger the area, the higher the cost. On top of this, no one HVAC company is going to send their technicians hours away for a job. It is just not efficient. Google advertisements work on a pay-per-click basis meaning that you only will be charged based on the number of clicks on your ad, not the duration of the ad. You have a lot of freedom with Google advertisements which makes it worthy to check out.

Push Customer Reviews & Incentives
HVAC companies have routine dips in particular services based on the time of year. Obviously, heating ramps up as winter approaches and vice versa. Your HVAC marketing ideas should play into this natural consumer change. Incentives for out-of-season services should occur to entice consumers to get more done now rather than later. A person already getting a new heater in the winter will be inclined to upgrade their A/C as well if they get a discount. Not only does this allow for perfect upselling, but also keeps the load off when the busy season comes for the out-of-season service.

Customer reviews are an important aspect of HVAC marketing as well. As a customer, they are opening up their homes and wallets to you to provide great comfortable air quality for their home. Strong reviews and recommendations allow new leads to be more comfortable in doing business with your HVAC company. You can drive more customer reviews by offering incentives like a furnace tune-up in exchange for a review or blast it on social media. Reviews help build consumer trust and brand image.

We hope this helps!

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