Tightening Up Your Electrician Marketing Efforts & Strategy

  1. Tightening Up Your Marketing Electrician Marketing Blog

Many electrical contractors who own their own business are not big enough to allocate resources to a full-fledged sales and marketing department. Not having an internal sales or marketing team doesn’t mean you should avoid marketing your electrical services. A lot of organic strategies exist that can be practiced by electrical contractors without hiring a dedicated marketing associate. Time is the only investment that has to be made. A lot of third-party digital marketing agencies can aid in the process as well. Let’s take a look at some good electrician marketing ideas that can help elevate your business.

Fostering Relationships
A lot can be achieved by leveraging your current relationships and expanding your networks with new relationships. It is important to carve out what kind of clients and work you want than tailored your strategies accordingly. With networking, reach out to areas of the community that spark your interest in a business sense. If you want to be the go-to electrician for breweries in the area, reach out to the brewer’s association in your state. If you want to do electrical work for doctors around your area, position yourself within a group where you are most likely to meet them. There are a lot of different associations and organizations that allow for regular opportunities to network with other businesses. If the businesses don’t directly come to you, there is always a chance of referrals coming your way if you have a great presentation. Take advantage of this.

For your current customers, make sure to keep in touch. Customer information should be organized in a legible manner that details when you last worked with them and how to reach out to them. Reach out to them regularly to inform them of complementary services to what they initially received for a chance of generating more revenue from the same customer. If they are not interested, ask for a review of how the initial service went so you know what you can do better. Keeping yourself in front of your clients without being pushy increases your chance of recurring work and referrals from your existing customer base.

Build Your Brand
Good design should be able to catch the eye of potential leads and make your brand name unforgettable. Keep this in mind when you are looking at anything attached to your services such as your equipment, website, and so forth. Your uniforms should help market your brand to make sure the customer never forgets it. Your trucks should catch eyes and stand out while you are driving on the road. Your website should be a clean design that is easily digestible by your target audience. Wear your brand with pride. Touching up your brand is a worthy investment to make to keep your brand propelling forward and clean on all fronts.

We know you can’t do it all by yourself. Third-party digital marketing agencies can do wonders and turn around your brand. Marketing agencies can provide a lot of resources that aid in print design, web design, and much more that can build your brand up before making investments into social media, PPC advertising, and SEO management.

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to ContractorLeads.us at (833) 875-3237!

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